Friday, 11 January 2013
Hungry Hubby is getting some leftovers but then again that is more or less what he gets everyday. Poor guy, but he isn't complaining.

Hungry Hubby is getting an antipasti "platter" which is slices mozzarella and salami rolled up together with olives, some strawberries and cherries and last but not least Steak, Roasted Vegetable & Pesto Sandwich that I wrapped in cling wrap as it is intended as an open sandwich and I was worried all the veggies would fall out on the way to work.
To see what the sandwich looks like here it is before I wrapped it:
FYI these sandwiches are big servings and counts as 13 WeightWatchers ProPoints. Us girls should enjoy only one at 7 WeightWatchers ProPoints. The mozzarella and salami roll-ups are 2 ProPoints each. Enjoy!