Monday, 5 November 2012

Our first day on our diet and we've already failed dismally. Hungry Hubby forgot to cook the chicken breast for our lunch boxes (and I forgot to check that he did it!) so our diet is a bit adjusted. The lunch boxes severely lacks protein so keep that in mind. I added cheese triangles and ham to compensate for that.

Hungry Hubby is having ham, mustard and lettuce sandwiches on health bread, red pepper hummus with carrots (I thought he wouldn't like cottage cheese but after I packed the lunch boxes he informed me he would actually like it) some laughing cow triangles and cucumber sticks.

As Hungry Hubby got all of the ham, I had to adjust my lunch box: health bread slices, Kiri & Laughing Cow cheeses, radishes, cucumber sticks, cottage cheese (with a dollop of red pepper hummus) and yoghurt with nectarines.

Let's hope tomorrow goes a bit better!


  1. Just a little note on the bread: it's a health bread we bought from Fruit & Veg City and it really is wonderful. It has the nutty taste from the seeds and sweetness from raisins. It really is the best bread I've had in a while and an added bonus is that it's healthy!


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