Friday, 2 November 2012

Wow. Okay. So I think I finally reached my limit. After 2 weeks of running around for work, coming home to prepare lunches, then supper has tired me out. I was so tempted to just send Hungry Hubby to work with some cash so he can buy his own lunch! I don't know how people do it!  I forgot about all the goodies in the freezer and ignored all my plans for a chicken and veg stir fry,  instead I went to the golden oldie: bread.

So what is Hungry Hubby having for lunch this much needed Friday? Whole wheat seeded roll with pastrami, lettuce and sharp cheddar with mustard, beautifully coloured carrots (aren't they so summer?), crunchies and chocolate mini cookies.

I am having tea at work, so pasties, pies, cupcakes and everything unhealthy!

Have a great weekend everybody and do what I am going to do: REST!


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