Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Tuesday evening was a bit of a struggle as Hungry Hubby was attending his year-end function and I was left o my own devices and what did I do? I had double my protein portion!! See I can't do this without him playing the dutiful policeman.

While the cat was away the mouse packed our lunches.

We're having different lunches on The Cohen Diet as I feel like some cheese. Hungry Hubby as the meat-lover is having some chicken. So a chicken breast, spinach salad with red onions, cucumber & spring onion. For in between snacks he has paw paw, nectarine & plum. I love summer for the variety of fruit available.

I'm having pizza tomorrow. Yes, you read right, pizza. On a diet. Well, okay so it's just mozzarella on crackerbread nuked in the microwave until melted. Spinach salad with cucumber, red onion & spring onion and some of my mozzarella cheese portion shredded in. My fruit are paw paw & nectarine and my provitas if I get peckish in between meals.

The food isn't that bad and I'm actually starting to enjoy it. Who would have imagined that. But don't tell Hungry Hubby or he'll gloat!


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