Lunch: Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Day 2 on the Served Fresh Diet and it was still going good, which shouldn't come as a surprise as this really is a diet-for-dummies: everything is prepared for you, though with everything going so hectic, I was unable to post everyday so here are some of the lunches and dinners I enjoyed.

And mushroom 'tartlet' with coleslaw. I absolutely loved the little tartlet that was mainly egg and mushrooms with cheese on top. 

Chicken, veggies and couscous. I'm not a big fan of couscous as it can be very dry and boring. Though this dish had some favours, it still wasn't my favourite.

Unfortunately little Emma had to go in for some tests due to severe reflux and I ended up having to stay in hospital Thursday and Friday so I missed my lunches and had take-away instead. So therefore the diet lasted 3 days. Let's hope it gets better from here on.


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