Lunch box: Monday, 15 April 2013

My, time flies. It's almost middle of the year already! Made a few discoveries such as the new apple from Woolworth's called 'Honey Crunch'. It's between a golden delicious and a Granny Smith apple and utterly scrumptious.

Secondly, don't you hate it when you have sliced tomato on a sandwich and when you bite into it, but not all the way through it, you end up pulling the tomato and half the filling with it? Well, my solution is to use baby Rosa tomatoes, cut into quarters. You loose at least half of the juice and pits (that tend to make the sandwich soggy) and you immediately have bite-sized tomatoes sweetness to enjoy with every bite.

With the tomatoes I have whole wheat rolls, spread with butter and mayo, cheese slices and salami. To ensure that the bread doesn't get soggy I added another salami slice on top before closing the roll. I also have some of the tasty apple slices and red grapes and to add both protein and calcium I added double cream, stewed fruit and custard yoghurt. It seems to be a decent well rounded lunch box, even if it isn't low fat.


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