Flamingo 1st birthday

For the Little One's first birthday in 2020, we decided to do something special. Firstly it was Covid and we were finally allowed in November to see family. We help the little birthday with those family we could immediately as the Little One was deprived of starting creche, making friends and seeing people outside of our little family. At this stage she hasn't experienced going to a restaurant or a weekend away, but she had mommy and daddy home for much longer than she normally would have.

As shopping and access to luxuries were still somewhat limited (especially no alcohol for some reason), we turn to our trusted events planner Bubbly & Squeak for everything! They coordinated the orders, the decorations and the set up. As always these ladies make sure to impress!

The cookies were just the cutest little things I have ever seen. They were made by Nectar Spice

These macaroons are to die for and I am not ashamed to say I hid a few just for me in the kitchen! They were made by Authentic Cooking.

The beautiful cake and cake pops were made by Cupcake Tarts.

The beautiful Birthday Girl

The beautiful garland was made by Cape Town Balloons


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