Camping birthday party

We decided to try our first camping birthday party and it turned out pretty well! We decided to keep it camping themed and tried to do it without having to bring too much stuff with. That in itself was a challenge! So we turned to Barbie.

Iā€™m did my famous trick of buying a rainbow cake and taking an existing toy and add it on top. Works every time and the current favourite toy also dictates the theme! The Barbie ā€œChelsea Camperā€ was the main focus with a couple of Duplo Lego used as furniture.

The cake was delicious and went perfectly with the theme. The party pack were from Lily Young who design and deliver and can do personalised packs that really stand out.

Our friend made these adorable fire cupcakes to serve that just looked so cute next to the camper van!

And the birthday girl got her bike just like she wanted with plenty of space to practise riding it.

The lunch we served is my always requested Camp Nachos (recipe), which was a great success but then again I selected this recipe as it is quick and easy, not too expensive and we can make it in 30 minutes. 

So can you do a birthday while camping? Yes you can!


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