Halloween Biscuits in 2 minutes

The Little One is old enough to start enjoying the unofficial Halloween holiday this year. While it's not such a big deal here in South Africa, people are starting to get  in on the fun for the sake of the children. Some neighborhoods are hosting "trick or treat" events, which allows the children to dress up and go from home to home (or at least to those homes who are participating). 

The one benefit is that our children do not get the Halloween candy overload like they do in America. But then again, this is the one time (besides birthday parties) where they can indulge. And they are supposed to indulge in some spooky treats. Buying spooky treats are firstly not really an option, but secondly also a lot less fun! These allow the Little One to participate in the fun.

I really don't like baking cookies just to give away, and really, who has the time, especially in the middle of the week!I use bought biscuits that I sandwich together with marshmallows much like these. We bought some Halloween sweets from Woolworth's (which they now have every year) and made a simple icing of icing sugar mixed with very little water until it is spreadable. Add the sweets and allow to dry!

Quick and easy. Happy Halloween everyone!


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