Christening: Daisy Foods Catering and the Mixing Bowl Company

E was christened at home and it was a good day for great food and good company. As always I cheated by having most of the food made by Daisy Foods Catering in Durbanville.  They made the mini croissants filled with a variety of goodies and the mini pizza bites.

The also made min hamburgers, mini chicken burgers and mini boerewors rolls with proper onions and pepper relish. These were our Dinner on the Sunday evening after all the festivities ended and E was tucked into bed.

We obviously added our own little touches with a cheese platter and biscuits, olives and radishes.

We also added some meaty platter (so it isn't so carb loaded) in the form of chicken and pineapple skewers with mustard dipping sauce. For the health conscious (so obviously not me...) I also had a plate of cruditĆ©s with Italian cream cheese mixed with peppadew peppers for a little bit of a kick.

How beautiful does this platter of chicken wings look? We purchase ready made chicken wings from Woolworth's and added fresh blueberries. I absolutely loved the combination.

On the table we added different kinds of mustard sauce in bowl instead of a great variety of sauces. We made them pretty with chopped feta and coriander.

Daisy Foods also provided the Mini chicken pies which were so tasty. We added the ham and purple radishes.

We also had chicken skewers from Woolworth's that is always a favourite. They usually go very fast. We then stuffed some peppadews with feta and added chives.

The cake was made by my favourite cake lady at the moment The Mixing Bowl Cake Company. I requested a red velvet cake as we had a red velvet wedding cake. I decided I would start a little tradition: all momentous moments will be celebrated with red velvet! I also dressed little E in french lace as I got married in french lace.

The amount of detail is always stunning and I can never find any fault with her cakes (and I have high standards!).

I used the owl theme as I decorated little E's room with owl stickers and the colour scheme also flows from that.

And look how gorgeous is that red! The cake was a definite hit and I am happy to say most of it was devoured so I ended up having only 2 (or 4...) pieces so my diet isn't totally screwed up... Oh who am I kidding, I set myself back about 3 weeks! But it was so worth it!

And how cute is my little girl? This was just after she was almost drowned in the ceremony!


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