Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Filling

It was Hubby's birthday and the Little One and I decided to spoil him with a birthday cake. As always, I am a very lazy baker and seriously suggest you use a box mix to make things easier on you but ONLY if you can get hold of NOMU Chocolate Cake Kit. Otherwise do it from scratch.

I made the cake in double quantities so the cake was huge. And heavy but so good. I decided on a peanut butter filling as I have been on a serious penut butter kick. For this you need an electric mixer. We didn't have one so had to use a lot of elbow grease (thanks Monique!). But it turned out fantastic. In actually fact we accidently ate almost half of the peanut butter mixture before we could ice the cake!

For the cake and chocolate icing:
  • 2 boxes NOMU Chocoalte Cake and Icing Kit
  • 4 eggs
  • 500g butter

  1. Prepare the cake according the box instructions. Make each box in one pan. (you can cut each cake in half and do a 4 layer cake which would look amazing! Because we ate so much of the peanutbutter icing, we had to do a big 2 layer cake instead - so embarrasing)
  2. Prepare the icing according to the box instructiosn set aside.

For the Peanut Butter filling:

  • 125g butter (unsalted)
  • 500g peanut butter
  • 250g cream cheese at room temprature (very important)
  • 1 cup icing sugar (more if you like it sweet but the chocolate icing is sweet already)
  • 125g milk

  1. Melt the butter and add the peanut butter. It helps if you heat everything until warm in the microwave. Mix well with an electric mixture.
  2. Add the cream cheese and mix untill smooth.
  3. Sift in the icing sugar bit by bit and mix well.
  4. Add a bit of milk if the mixture becomes too stiff but don't add too much. You still want it a spreadable consistancy of normal cream cheese icing.


Then to built your beautiful creation you cut your cooled cocokate cake into 4 layers (or 2), add the peanutbutter filling between each layer (if you are doing 4 you can add one layer of choclate icing zas well). Top with chcolate icing and decorate with sprinkles.

Then stand back and watch the stampede! The family was so excited after trying the peanut butter filling that some had cake before they had their main meal! One even tried to cut the cake before the birthday boy even had a chance to see it!


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