One Year Anniversary

It's amazing how time flies! It's been a year since I started the lunch box blog and it has extended even beyond my dreams! I just wanted to share ideas for lunch boxes for grown-ups but even I have to admit that throwing in a little travel, a restaurant review (or six!) and some person celebrations and I've basically exposed myself to the world!

Yes it really is true that I care very little about dinner and love the idea of lunch. Small portable eats in cute portable containers - what is not to love? For that reason I'm obsessed with picnics! If I had my way I would enjoy a picnic every weekend (weather permitting). It's one of life's real pleasures and, living in Cape Town, we do have the opportunity to enjoy these outings.

But we rarely do. Life get in the way. Or we let it.

This year though was full of life and we were very busy living it! When I started this blog I was a newly wed with these ideas to be the perfect wife (what a joke - it's impossible!) but it really was a learning curve. To actually having to spend day in and day out thinking about food, how to prepare it,  how to serve it and how to photograph it can become exhausting. I am still contemplating getting a fancy camera so I can take proper photos of the recipes, but again - life get in the way...


We travelled for the first time as husband and wife (it was almost like a second honeymoon) , enjoying good food and sun, while 3 months pregnant! Another new experience. Emma is due 22 October, so we add another chapter to the Hungry Hubby's blog.

I have no idea what the next year holds for me and my happy little family. Probably diapers, baby purées and as much sleep as we can get! But whatever may come I will share with my readers and hopefully you will interact more by sharing your own ideas, recipes or suggestions.

Thank you for allowing me to share these aspects of my life - the most important aspects of my life!


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