Lunch box: Thursday 11 April 2013

Today's lunch is a very simple, very humble lunch, but seriously satisfying to my needs. A fresh seed roll spread heavenly with medium fat butter and sparingly with liver spread  (despite my overwhelming need to splatter it on). This is not a taste that a child naturally embraces but mine comes with a story. 

My uncle is a Czech, a beautiful old country with the enticing city of Prague. I town I visited once and always dream of going back. But back to my story. As a child my uncle would come to visit and the first thing he wants is a decent 'bretchen', a white bread roll that is soft in the centre but slight crunchy, slightly tough on the outside and all German-y heaven. I would always go with him on the hunt for these elusive rolls (so readily available in Namibia but scare in Cape Town). When we find our treasure he would always buy liver spread (for the grown-ups) and fish press for the kids. But one day he said I have earned my spread of liver spread, just like the grown-ups! How could I resist? I tried it and was immediately hooked. Now with his current visit I could not resist one second longer!

To temper the unhealthy little roll, I'm having two huge slices of fresh watermelon, before the coming winter takes them all beyond my reach!


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